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Key facts

  • currency: Rwandan franc
  • capital city: Kigali
  • region: Eastern Africa
  • continent: Africa
  • land area: 24,670 km²
  • population: 14,094,683 people
  • political leader: Paul Kagame (President)

Location on a map: [-2°0′S, 30°0′E]

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The country Rwanda is located in Africa and the Eastern Africa region. It has a land area of 24,670 km² square kilometers and a population of 14,094,683 people. The capital city is Kigali and uses the currency Rwandan franc. The political leader is Paul Kagame with the title President.

From the data

On politics:

On health:

  • Birth rate: 29.47 per 1,000 people
  • Death rate: 5.85 per 1,000 people
  • Health expenditure per capita: 60.22 current US$
  • Health expenditure: 7.32 % of GDP
  • Incidence of hiv: 0.24 per 1,000 uninfected population
  • Hospital beds: 1.60 per 1,000 people
  • Life expectancy at birth: 67 years
  • Suicide mortality rate: 5.60 per 100,000 population

On sports:

On culture:

On environment:

Rwanda is one of the countries in Africa and one of the countries in Eastern Africa.
  • Agricultural land: 20,044.60 km²
  • Carbon dioxide emissions (co2): 1,382.00 kt
  • Fertility rate: 3.75 births per woman
  • Forest area: 2,770 km²
  • Other greenhouse gas emissions, hfc, pfc and sf6: -173.09 thousand metric tons of CO2 equivalent
  • Median age: 15.40 years
  • Methane emissions: 2,680.92 kt of CO2 equivalent
  • Nitrous oxide emissions: 2,006.21 thousand metric tons of CO2 equivalent
  • Female population: 7,193,422 people
  • Male population: 6,901,261 people
  • Renewable energy consumption: 79.90 % of total final energy consumption
  • Rural land area: 22,337.27 km²
  • Rural population: 11,572,862 people
  • Urban land area: 1,506.23 km²
  • Urban population: 2,521,821 people
  • Urban population living in areas where elevation is below 5 meters : 0.00 % of total population

Geographical distribution of cities in Rwanda by population

Evolution of historical other greenhouse gas emissions, HFC, PFC and SF6 in Rwanda

Evolution of historical internally displaced persons, by conflict and violence in Rwanda

Evolution of historical internet access in Rwanda

Evolution of historical land area in Rwanda

Rwanda historical methane emissions per land area

Evolution of historical median age in Rwanda

Evolution of historical methane emissions in Rwanda

Rwanda historical nitrous oxide emissions per methane emissions

Rwanda historical population per methane emissions

Rwanda historical rural land area per methane emissions

Rwanda historical urban land area per methane emissions

Rwanda historical urban population per methane emissions

Evolution of historical net migration in Rwanda

Evolution of historical nitrous oxide emissions in Rwanda

Rwanda historical population per nitrous oxide emissions

Rwanda historical rural population per nitrous oxide emissions

Rwanda historical urban land area per nitrous oxide emissions

Rwanda historical urban population per nitrous oxide emissions

Evolution of historical population in Rwanda

Rwanda historical urban land area per population

Evolution of historical female population in Rwanda

Evolution of historical male population in Rwanda

Evolution of historical renewable energy consumption in Rwanda

Evolution of historical total rural land area in Rwanda

Evolution of historical rural population in Rwanda

Rwanda historical urban land area per rural population

Evolution of historical total urban land in Rwanda

Rwanda historical urban population per urban land area

Evolution of historical urban population in Rwanda

Evolution of historical urban population living in areas where elevation is below 5 meters in Rwanda

Evolution of historical agricultural land in Rwanda

Rwanda historical methane emissions per agricultural land

Rwanda historical nitrous oxide emissions per agricultural land

Evolution of historical alternative and nuclear energy (% of total energy use) in Rwanda

Evolution of historical carbon dioxide emissions (CO2) in Rwanda

Rwanda historical GDP per carbon dioxide emissions (CO2)

Rwanda historical methane emissions per carbon dioxide emissions (CO2)

Rwanda historical nitrous oxide emissions per carbon dioxide emissions (CO2)

Rwanda historical urban land area per carbon dioxide emissions (CO2)

Rwanda historical urban population per carbon dioxide emissions (CO2)

Evolution of historical access to electricity in Rwanda

Rwanda historical birth rate per access to electricity

Rwanda historical fertility rate per access to electricity

Rwanda historical life expectancy at birth per access to electricity

Rwanda historical renewable energy consumption per access to electricity

Rwanda historical self-employed workers per access to electricity

Rwanda historical vulnerable employment per access to electricity

Evolution of historical electricity production from coal sources in Rwanda

Evolution of historical electricity production from natural gas sources in Rwanda

Evolution of historical electricity production from hydroelectric sources in Rwanda

Evolution of historical electricity production from nuclear sources in Rwanda

Evolution of historical electricity production from oil sources in Rwanda

Evolution of historical electricity production from renewable sources, excluding hydroelectric in Rwanda

Evolution of historical net energy imports in Rwanda

Evolution of historical fertility rate in Rwanda

Rwanda historical life expectancy at birth per fertility rate

Rwanda historical median age per fertility rate

Evolution of historical forest area in Rwanda

Rwanda historical rural land area per forest area

Evolution of historical fossil fuel energy consumption (% of total) in Rwanda

Rwanda historical renewable energy consumption per fossil fuel energy consumption

Distribution of sites in Rwanda by inscription year

Geographical distribution of sites in Rwanda by area

Distribution of transboundary sites in Rwanda

Wildfires width mean in Rwanda

On business:

On research:


Connected or similar:


This dashboard is based on data from: SIPRI, World Bank, Reporters Without Borders

Updated: 1 day ago

This content can be used under the CC BY 4.0 license