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Tony Blair
Key facts
- birth date: 1953
- country: United Kingdom
- gender: male
- political party: Labour (United Kingdom)
- number of books published: 11
Classified as: person
Tony Blair is a male politician and author. He was born in 1953 and is originally from the United Kingdom. He is part of the Labour (United Kingdom) political party. He has 11 books in our database.
Tony Blair is one of the politicians in the United Kingdom, politicians in Labour (United Kingdom) and 77,955 politicians in our database.
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Tony Blair is one of the 1,046,722 authors in our database.
- Last publication date: 2011
- First publication date: 1995
- Books in series: 6
Books by Tony Blair
Distribution of books by Tony Blair by publication year
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In literature
There is no book written about Tony Blair in the database
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This dashboard is based on data from: EveryPolitician, Harvard University Dataverse, The British Library
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