Chris Packham and Caroline Lucas resign from RSPCA amid investigation - Chris Packham and Caroline Lucas resign from RSPCA - Chris Packham and Caroline Lucas quit RSPCA over abattoir cruelty claims - After asking 'What about the climate?' for 14 years, I'm standing down as an MP. But I have hope | Caroline Lucas - Caroline Lucas on climate, culture wars, and 14 years as the only Green MP - podcast - Caroline Lucas: 'Rory Stewart finds Westminster as dysfunctional as I do' - The left's biggest failure? We don't know how to tell stories, says Caroline Lucas - Caroline Lucas: England must talk about its future outside UK - Another England: How to Reclaim Our National Story by Caroline Lucas review - the Green MP's alternative vision
Caroline Lucas
Caroline Lucas is a female politician and author. She was born in 1960 and is originally from the United Kingdom. She is part of the Green (United Kingdom) political party. She has 3 books in our database.
Key facts
- birth date: 1960
- country: United Kingdom
- gender: female
- political party: Green (United Kingdom)
- number of books published: 3
Classified as: person
Caroline Lucas is one of the politicians in the United Kingdom, politicians in Green (United Kingdom) and 77,955 politicians in our database.
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Caroline Lucas is one of the 1,046,722 authors in our database.
- Last publication date: 2015
- First publication date: 1989
- Books in series: 2
Books by Caroline Lucas
Distribution of books by Caroline Lucas by publication year
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In literature
There is no book written about Caroline Lucas in the database
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This dashboard is based on data from: EveryPolitician, Harvard University Dataverse, The British Library
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