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British Museum


Key facts

  • number of books published: 458
  • country: United Kingdom
  • city: London
  • visitors: 6,239,983
  • publication period covered: 1951 - 2018

Location on a map: [51°51′N, 0°9′W]

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British Museum is a museum in London, United Kingdom and a book publisher. The museum has 6,239,983 visitors. The publisher published 458 books between 1951 and 2018 and is associated with 324 authors.

In the news

British Museum has been mentioned 22 times in the news, here is the latest (trend):

British Museum recovers a further 268 stolen objects
British Museum Announces It Has Recovered 268 More Missing Objects Following Theft Scandal
Read: Art News link
The British Museum's Blockbuster Scandals
Bienal de Sao Paulo Names 2025 Chief Curator, British Museum Investigated, Protesters Target Artemisia Gentileschi Exhibit, and More: Morning Links for April 2, 2024
Read: Art News link



This dashboard is based on data from: Wikipedia, The British Library

Updated: 11 days ago


This content can be used under the CC BY 4.0 license

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