
We’re on a mission to democratise data and make reliable intelligence accessible to everyone

The problem

The large picture

Data is has become exclusive and is now viewed with suspicion. Over the last decade, concerns about data privacy, security breaches as well as complex regulations have made many people skeptical about the use of data and its questionable sources.

At the same time, the increasing complexity of the data stack has excluded many individuals and groups from the data experience, limiting their ability to use data to inform decisions and understand the world around them.

What is more, the breath of data available on the internet today and the scattering of sources usually means hours spent finding and verifying information. A simple question can turn into a wild goose chase.

We want to fix all of this starting with open data sources and easy access to re-imagine what data should have always been.

Our Vision

The world we wish to see

Our aim is to revolutionise data as we know it. We want to rebuild trust and positivity, create transparency and informative systems, unlock economical opportunities.

To put it simply, we want to create value for society through data.

We want to switch the negative perception by democratising data. We are committed to making data more open, ethical and accessible to everyone and we believe that a more open and inclusive approach to data can enable more people to benefit from the power of it.

Our Mission

How we’ll get there

While on a mission to democratise data and access to it, we are developing an ecosystem in which people of all technical levels can effortlessly access and engage with high-quality and trustworthy data.

We’re doing this by focusing on three key elements:


Materials and publications on Work With Data

Press Kit

You get in touch with us at: press@workwithdata.com

Available materials


Here are a few publications about Work With Data:

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Our values

We hire and work according to those


Camille Lehujeur
Founder & CTO
Laurent Molter
Founder & CEO


The idea that data represents reality drives everything we do.

To ensure that this is always at the forefront of our minds, we adhere to 5 guiding principles when working with data.