Key facts
- number of art medium details: 4,475
- number of artists: 5,754
- number of artworks: 79,096
- number of authors: 4 people
- number of books: 7
- publication dates: 1984, 1992
Classified as: topic
Drawing is an art medium, book series and book subject. It serves as the medium for 79,096 artworks in our database. It is utilised by 5,754 artists and features 4,475 subcategories. It includes 7 books, written by 4 different authors.
Culture see more
"Drawing" is one of:
- 2,347 art mediums in our database
- 88,457 book series in our database
- 293,135 book subjects in our database
- Avg publication date: 1987
- Avg publication date: 2007
- Latest art creation date: 2023
- Latest publication date: 1992
- Latest publication date: 2023
- Earliest art creation date: 1100
- Earliest publication date: 1984
- Earliest publication date: 1968