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In classification: place

Key facts

  • continent: Americas
  • number of countries: 13
  • land area: 208,081 km²
  • population: 39,932,508 people


The Caribbean region is located in the Americas. It has a land area of 208,081 km² square kilometers and a population of 39,932,508 people. There are 13 countries in this region.

In the news

There has been 95 related news in the last 90 days:
Brit bride-to-be found floating face down in Caribbean swimming pool by mum
Pollination shifts in Caribbean after Hurricane Maria demonstrate ecological resilience
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Royal Navy sailors help save Caribbean turtles

From the data

On environment:

Caribbean is one of the regions in Americas. Caribbean is one of the 22 regions in our database.
  • Agricultural land: 111,839.40 km²
  • Alternative and nuclear energy: 0.61 % of total energy use
  • Carbon dioxide emissions (co2): 77,137.71 kt
  • Electricity production from coal sources: 2.57 % of total
  • Electricity production from natural gas sources: 27.27 % of total
  • Electricity production from hydroelectric sources: 3.55 % of total
  • Electricity production from nuclear sources: 0.00 % of total
  • Electricity production from oil sources: 56.28 % of total
  • Electricity production from renewable sources, excluding hydroelectric: 3.22 % of total
  • Net energy imports: 27.58 % of energy use
  • Fertility rate: 1.71 births per woman
  • Forest area: 72,089 km²
  • Fossil fuel energy consumption: 28.85 % of total
  • Other greenhouse gas emissions, hfc, pfc and sf6: -15,802.29 thousand metric tons of CO2 equivalent
  • Median age: 29.48 year
  • Methane emissions: 37,618.37 kt of CO2 equivalent
  • Nitrous oxide emissions: 9,102.70 thousand metric tons of CO2 equivalent
  • Female population: 20,092,969 people
  • Male population: 19,839,541 people
  • Renewable energy consumption: 12.87 % of total final energy consumption
  • Rural land area: 207,192.66 km²
  • Rural population: 11,586,284 people
  • Urban land area: 9,384.86 km²
  • Urban population: 28,346,224 people
  • Urban population living in areas where elevation is below 5 meters : 3.33 % of total population

Geographical distribution of records in Caribbean

Countries agricultural land per population in Caribbean

Evolution of historical agricultural land in Caribbean

Countries historical methane emissions per agricultural land in Caribbean

Countries historical nitrous oxide emissions per agricultural land in Caribbean

Evolution of historical alternative and nuclear energy in Caribbean

Evolution of historical carbon dioxide emissions (CO2) in Caribbean

Countries historical GDP per carbon dioxide emissions (CO2) in Caribbean

Countries historical methane emissions per carbon dioxide emissions (CO2) in Caribbean

Countries historical nitrous oxide emissions per carbon dioxide emissions (CO2) in Caribbean

Countries historical urban land area per carbon dioxide emissions (CO2) in Caribbean

Countries historical urban population per carbon dioxide emissions (CO2) in Caribbean

Evolution of historical access to electricity in Caribbean

Countries historical birth rate per access to electricity in Caribbean

Countries historical fertility rate per access to electricity in Caribbean

Countries historical life expectancy at birth per access to electricity in Caribbean

Countries historical renewable energy consumption per access to electricity in Caribbean

Countries historical self-employed workers per access to electricity in Caribbean

Countries historical vulnerable employment per access to electricity in Caribbean

Evolution of historical electricity production from coal sources in Caribbean

Evolution of historical electricity production from natural gas sources in Caribbean

Evolution of historical electricity production from hydroelectric sources in Caribbean

Evolution of historical electricity production from nuclear sources in Caribbean

Evolution of historical electricity production from oil sources in Caribbean

Evolution of historical electricity production from renewable sources, excluding hydroelectric in Caribbean

Evolution of historical net energy imports in Caribbean

Evolution of historical fertility rate in Caribbean

Countries historical life expectancy at birth per fertility rate in Caribbean

Countries historical median age per fertility rate in Caribbean

Evolution of historical forest area in Caribbean

Countries historical rural land area per forest area in Caribbean

Evolution of historical fossil energy consumption in Caribbean

Countries historical renewable energy consumption per fossil fuel energy consumption in Caribbean

Evolution of historical other greenhouse gas emissions, HFC, PFC and SF6 in Caribbean

Evolution of historical internally displaced persons, by conflict and violence in Caribbean

Evolution of historical internet access in Caribbean

Evolution of historical total land area in Caribbean

Countries historical methane emissions per land area in Caribbean

Evolution of historical median age in Caribbean

Evolution of historical methane emissions in Caribbean

Countries historical nitrous oxide emissions per methane emissions in Caribbean

Countries historical population per methane emissions in Caribbean

Countries historical rural land area per methane emissions in Caribbean

Countries historical urban land area per methane emissions in Caribbean

Countries historical urban population per methane emissions in Caribbean

Evolution of historical net migration in Caribbean

Evolution of historical nitrous oxide emissions in Caribbean

Countries historical population per nitrous oxide emissions in Caribbean

Countries historical rural population per nitrous oxide emissions in Caribbean

Countries historical urban land area per nitrous oxide emissions in Caribbean

Countries historical urban population per nitrous oxide emissions in Caribbean

Evolution of historical population in Caribbean

Countries historical urban land area per population in Caribbean

Evolution of historical female population in Caribbean

Evolution of historical male population in Caribbean

Evolution of historical renewable energy consumption in Caribbean

Evolution of historical total rural land area in Caribbean

Evolution of historical rural population in Caribbean

Countries historical urban land area per rural population in Caribbean

Evolution of historical total urban land in Caribbean

Countries historical urban population per urban land area in Caribbean

Evolution of historical urban population in Caribbean

Evolution of historical urban population living in areas where elevation is below 5 meters in Caribbean

Countries historical date per population in Caribbean

Countries historical land area per agricultural land in Caribbean

On culture:

We have books about "Caribbean" in our database.

On health:

On business:

On politics:


Connected or similar:


This dashboard is based on data from: World Bank

Updated: 1 day ago

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