Roger Ballen

14 days ago

Roger Ballen is a male artist and author. He was born in 1950 and is originally from the United States. He has created 3 artworks in our database. He has 12 books in our database.

Key facts

  • birth date: 1950
  • country: United States
  • gender: male
  • number of artworks: 3
  • stolen artworks: 0
  • creation start dates: 1999, 1996, 2006
  • museums: Tate Museums, Museum of Modern Art (New York), Rijksmuseum
  • number of books published: 12
Classified as: person


Roger Ballen is one of the artists in the United States, 33,710 artists and 1,046,722 authors in our database.
  • Last publication date: 2019
  • First publication date: 1995

Artworks by Roger Ballen

Books by Roger Ballen

Distribution of books by Roger Ballen by publication year

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In literature

There is no book written about Roger Ballen in the database


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This dashboard is based on data from: Interpol, MoMA, The British Library, Rijks, Tate

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