
4 days ago
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In classification: organization

Key facts


The company Yelp is from the United States.

In the news

There has been 8 related news in the last 90 days:
Yelp has quietly become a home services powerhouse
This New York museum is the best spot to visit in the US, according to yelp users
Here are the 20 most popular businesses on Yelp since it started
Yelp files antitrust lawsuit against Google

From the data

  • Yelp Inc. - Investor Relations

On business:

Yelp is one of the companies in United States. Yelp is one of the 3,466,499 companies in our database.
  • Employees: get premium Premium to see estimate
  • Revenues: get premium Premium to see estimate

On culture:

We have books about "Yelp" in our database.


Connected or similar:


This dashboard is based on data from: YAHOO-FIN, YFINANCE, Twitter

This content can be used under the CC BY 4.0 license