Key facts
- crypto symbol: ETH
- market cap: 369.4B $
- rank: 2
- currency: USD
In classification: object
The crypto Ethereum has the symbol ETH and is ranked 2. The currency is USD and its market cap is 369.4B $.
Ethereum is one of the 25 cryptos in our database.
- Max supply: infinite
- Proof type: Proof of Stake
- Total supply: 120,211,238
Evolution of historical closing price of Ethereum
Evolution of historical highest price of Ethereum
Evolution of historical daily lowest price of Ethereum
Evolution of historical daily opening price for Ethereum
Distribution of Ethereum data points by hour
Explore more on business
- Ethereum is a decentralized platform for applications. Applications build on it can use smart contracts - computer algorithms which execute themselves when data is supplied to the platform. There is no need for any human operators.
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