Global density of countries by tax revenue
This area map of countries shows the average, weighted by gdp, of tax revenue. The darker shades for each country indicate a higher average, weighted by gdp, of tax revenue.
access to electricityagricultural landalternative and nuclear energyarmed forces personnelbirth ratecarbon dioxide emissions (CO2)central government debtdeath ratedemocracy scoreelectricity production from coal sourceselectricity production from hydroelectric sourceselectricity production from natural gas sourceselectricity production from nuclear sourceselectricity production from oil sourceselectricity production from renewable sources, excluding hydroelectricexpensefemale populationfertility rateforest areafossil fuel energy consumptionGDPgreenhouse gas emissions (CO2, CH4, N2O, HFCs, PFCs, SF6)health expenditurehealth expenditure per capitahospital bedsincidence of HIVindividuals using the Internetinflationinternally displaced persons, by conflict and violenceland arealife expectancy at birthmale populationmedian agemethane emissionsmilitary expenditurenet energy importsnet migrationnitrous oxide emissionspopulationpress freedomproportion of seats held by women in national parliamentsrenewable energy consumptionrural land arearural populationself-employed workerssuicide mortality rateunemploymenturban land areaurban populationurban population living in areas where elevation is below 5 meters vulnerable employmentcountries
There are 2 fields used on this map (including filters):
- Country: Name of country.
- Tax Revenue: Tax revenue refers to compulsory transfers to the central government for public purposes. Certain compulsory transfers such as fines, penalties, and most social security contributions are excluded. Refunds and corrections of erroneously collected tax revenue are treated as negative revenue. This field is expressed in % of GDP.
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This map is based on data from: SIPRI, World Bank, Reporters Without Borders
This map is made with Leaflet
This map can be used under the CC BY 4.0 license