Geographical distribution of records in South America
This area map of countries shows the count of records in South America. The darker shades for each country indictate a higher count of records.
Type: Area Map
Area Map
: records
agricultural landforest arealand arearural landurban landgdpinflationco2 emissionsmethane emissionsnitrous oxide emissionsgreenhouse other emissionsurban population under 5mhealth expenditure capitahospital bedshiv incidencesuicide ratearmed forcesinternally displaced personsbirth ratedeath ratefertility ratelife expectancynet migrationpopulation femalepopulation malepopulationrural populationurban populationpressdemocracy scoremedian agecentral government debt pct gdpexpense pct gdpself employed pcttax revenue pct gdpunemployment pctvulnerable employment pctelectricity access pctalternative nuclear energy pctelectricity production coal pctelectricity production hydroelectric pctelectricity production gas pctelectricity production nuclear pctelectricity production oil pctelectricity production renewable pctenergy imports pctfossil energy consumption pctrenewable energy consumption pcthealth expenditure pct gdpmilitary expenditure pct gdpinternet pctwomen parliament seats pct
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There are 2 fields used on this map (including filters):
- Country: Name of country.
- Iso 3 Country Code: Three-letter country codes defined in ISO 3166-1.
This map is based on data from: SIPRI, World Bank, Reporters Without Borders
This map is made with Leaflet
This map can be used under the CC BY 4.0 license