News where news includes Kansas City Chiefs and classification equals organization

24 days ago

This dataset is about news and is filtered where the news includes Kansas City Chiefs and the classification includes organization. It has 8 columns such as classification, entities, news, news link, and publication date. The data is ordered by publication date (descending).

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There are 8 fields used in this dataset (including filters):
  • Classification: List of classifications for the selected news item.
  • Entities: Entities linked to news article.
  • News: News article headline.
  • News Link: Link to news article.
  • Publication Date: Date of publication of the news. This field is expressed in date.
  • Publication Time: Time of publication of the news. This field is expressed in timestamp.
  • Rss: Feed that provided the article.
  • Section: Categorises articles into distinct topics or areas, such as politics, sports, or culture.


This dataset has 612 rows

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This dataset can be used under the CC BY 4.0 license


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