Nitrous oxide emissions and self-employed workers of countries per year in the United States (Historical)
This dataset is about countries in the United States per year. It has 4 columns: country, date, nitrous oxide emissions, and self-employed workers. The data is ordered by date (descending).
There are 4 fields used in this dataset (including filters):
- Country: Name of country.
- Date: Year period during which the metrics are collected. This field is expressed in year.
- Nitrous Oxide Emissions: A measure of annual emissions of nitrous oxide (N2O), one of the six Kyoto greenhouse gases (GHG), from the agriculture, energy, waste, and industrial sectors, excluding LULUCF.. The measure is standardized to carbon dioxide equivalent values using the Global Warming Potential (GWP) factors of IPCC's 5th Assessment Report (AR5). Nitrous oxide emissions are emissions from agricultural biomass burning, industrial activities, and livestock management. This field is expressed in Mt of CO2 equivalent.
- Self-Employed Workers: Self-employed workers are those workers who, working on their own account or with one or a few partners or in cooperative, hold the type of jobs defined as a "self-employment jobs." i.e. jobs where the remuneration is directly dependent upon the profits derived from the goods and services produced. Self-employed workers include four sub-categories of employers, own-account workers, members of producers' cooperatives, and contributing family workers. This field is expressed in % of total employment.
This dataset has 64 rows
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This dataset is based on data from: World Bank
This dataset can be used under the CC BY 4.0 license