Fossil fuel energy consumption and urban population living in areas where elevation is below 5 meters of countries per year in Portugal (Historical)
This dataset is about countries in Portugal per year. It has 4 columns: country, date, fossil fuel energy consumption, and urban population living in areas where elevation is below 5 meters . The data is ordered by date (descending).
There are 4 fields used in this dataset (including filters):
- Country: Name of country.
- Date: Year period during which the metrics are collected. This field is expressed in year.
- Fossil Fuel Energy Consumption: Fossil fuel comprises coal, oil, petroleum, and natural gas products. This field is expressed in % of total.
- Urban Population Living In Areas Where Elevation Is Below 5 Meters : Urban population below 5m is the percentage of the total population, living in areas where the elevation is 5 meters or less. This field is expressed in % of total population.
This dataset has 64 rows
Use filters to adjust the scope of this dataset
This dataset is based on data from: World Bank
This dataset can be used under the CC BY 4.0 license