Expense and suicide mortality rate of countries per year in the United States (Historical)
4 days ago
This dataset is about countries in the United States per year. It has 4 columns: country, date, expense, and suicide mortality rate. The data is ordered by date (descending).
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There are 4 fields used in this dataset (including filters):
Date: Year period during which the metrics are collected. This field is expressed in year.
Expense: Expense is cash payments for operating activities of the government in providing goods and services. It includes compensation of employees (such as wages and salaries), interest and subsidies, grants, social benefits, and other expenses such as rent and dividends. This field is expressed in % of GDP.
Suicide Mortality Rate: Suicide mortality rate is the number of suicide deaths in a year per 100,000 population. Crude suicide rate (not age-adjusted). This field is expressed in per 100,000 population.