Donald Trump wins his own tournament in West Palm Beach with an impressive round of 68: Is it possible?
Competitions in West Palm Beach
This dataset is about competitions in West Palm Beach. It has 7 columns such as competition, start date, end date, country, and city. The data is ordered by start date (descending).
There are 7 fields used in this dataset (including filters):
- Competition: Name of competition.
- Start Date: Start date of the competition. This field is expressed in date.
- End Date: End date of the competition. This field is expressed in date.
- Country: Country in which the competition was held.
- City: City in which the competition was held.
- Website: Official competition website.
- Image Link: Link to competition logo.
This dataset has no results
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This dataset is based on data from: Olympics
This dataset can be used under the CC BY 4.0 license