Electronic Equipment, Instruments & Components companies
This dataset is about companies and is filtered where the industry is Electronic Equipment, Instruments & Components. It has 25 columns such as CEO, CEO approval, CEO gender, city, and company. The data is ordered by revenues (descending).
There are 25 fields used in this dataset (including filters):
- Ceo: Name of company CEO.
- Ceo Approval: The percentage of employees who approve their CEO. This field is expressed in %.
- Ceo Gender: Gender of company CEO.
- City: Headquarters of the company.
- Company: Name of company.
- Country: Country in which the company is located.
- Domain: Unique name that identifies a website and is used to access it from a browser.
- Employee Type: Indicates whether the number of employees is an exact figure or an estimate.
- Employees: Number of employees under contract. This field is expressed in people.
- Facebook Link: Facebook page.
- Foundation Year: The year the company was established. This field is expressed in year.
- Industry: Industry refers to a group of companies that operate in a similar business sphere.
- Instagram Link: Instagram account.
- Linkedin Followers: Number of followers on LinkedIn. This field is expressed in followers.
- Linkedin Link: LinkedIn page.
- Revenue Type: Indicates whether the revenue value is an exact figure or an estimate.
- Revenues: Total income from operations over a set period of time, before subtracting expenses. This field is expressed in $.
- Sector: Sector refers to a part of the economy and is a broader category that encompasses multiple industries.
- Stack: The set of technologies, tools, and frameworks used to develop a software or application.
- Talking Points: Concatenation in English of different descriptions of the companies, coming from different sources such as the website or social media.
- Tweets: Number of tweets from company twitter account.
- Twitter Followers: Number of followers on Twitter. This field is expressed in followers.
- Twitter Link: Twitter account.
- Twitter Username: Twitter username.
- Website: Company website.
This dataset has 23,973 rows
Use filters to adjust the scope of this dataset
This dataset is based on data from: YAHOO-FIN, YFINANCE, Twitter
This dataset can be used under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license