Books called My vertical world : climbing the 8000-metre peaks
This dataset is about books and is filtered where the book is My vertical world : climbing the 8000-metre peaks. It has 7 columns such as author, BNB id, book, book publisher, and ISBN. The data is ordered by publication date (descending).
There are 7 fields used in this dataset (including filters):
- Author: Name of the author.
- Bnb Id: Unique identifier for a book in the British National Bibliography (BNB).
- Book: Title of the book.
- Book Publisher: Book publisher for the edition of the book.
- Isbn: International Standard Book Number is a unique number that identifies a book or other publication.
- Language: Language of publication for the edition of the book.
- Publication Date: Date of publication for the edition of the book. This field is expressed in year.
This dataset has 1 rows
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This dataset is based on data from: The British Library
This dataset can be used under the CC BY 4.0 license