Artworks by Johann Philipp Kehr

8 days ago

This dataset is about artworks and is filtered where the artists is Johann Philipp Kehr. It has 15 columns such as acquisition date, acquisition year, art medium, art medium details, and artists. The data is ordered by creation start date (descending).

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There are 15 fields used in this dataset (including filters):
  • Acquisition Date: The date on which the artwork was acquired by an organization or museum. This field is expressed in date.
  • Acquisition Year: The year in which the artwork was acquired by an organization or museum. This field is expressed in year.
  • Art Medium: Category of the artwork based on its type, style, or medium.
  • Art Medium Details: The techniques or materials used in creating the artwork.
  • Artists: Name of the artist.
  • Artwork: Title of the artwork.
  • Artwork Link: Link to the artwork.
  • Countries: Country of birth or nationality.
  • Creation End Date: Date when the artwork was finished. This field is expressed in year.
  • Creation Start Date: Date when the artwork was started. This field is expressed in year.
  • Credit: Origin or history of the artwork, specifying how it came to be part of the collection. It includes details such as donations, purchases, or bequests from individuals or institutions.
  • Depth: Depth of the artwork. This field is expressed in cm.
  • Height: Height of the artwork. This field is expressed in cm.
  • Museum: Museum where the artwork is currently located.
  • Width: Width of the artwork. This field is expressed in cm.


This dataset has 15 rows

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This dataset is based on data from: Interpol, MoMA, Rijks, Tate

This dataset can be used under the CC BY 4.0 license


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