Artists where artworks equals Abraham verwelkomt de drie engelen


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This dataset is about artists and is filtered where the artworks is Abraham verwelkomt de drie engelen. It has 6 columns such as artist, country, birth date, death date, and gender. The data is ordered by number of artworks.

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This dataset has 33,648 rows

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Metric Type Description Unit Fill rate %
artist str Name of the artist 100.0
birth date int Artist birth date year 88.75
country str Country of birth or nationality 74.38
death date int Artist death date year 65.02
gender str Gender of the artist 43.62
number of artworks int Number of artworks from the artist 100.0


This dataset is based on data from: Interpol, MoMA, Rijks, Tate

Updated: 16 days ago

This dataset can be used under the CC BY 4.0 license


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