
A chart, or graph, is a visual tool that displays information using symbols. These symbols, like bars, lines, or slices of a pie, represent data and their relationships, making it easier to understand and analyze compared to raw numbers

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Sites per Inscription date in the United States

Israel historical Fertility rate

Public companies per Ceo gender for Google

Universities per Foundation year in New York

Books per Publication date by Donald Trump

Countries historical Fertility rate in Europe

Countries historical Suicide mortality rate in Africa

The United States historical Net migration

Public companies per Ceo gender for Apple

Artists per Gender in the United States

Artists per Birth Date in the United Kingdom

Book subjects per Publication date by Russell Banks

Books per Publication date by Abe Koogler

Artists per Birth Date in the United States

Israel historical Self-employed

The United States historical Unemployment

Countries historical Tax revenue in Europe

Countries historical Military expenditure in Asia

Israel historical Expense

Public companies per Ceo gender for The Boeing Company

The United States historical Urban population

Israel historical Armed forces personnel

Politicians per Birth date in Ukraine

Countries historical Armed forces personnel in Europe

The United States historical Proportion of seats held by women in national parliaments

Politicians per Gender in Israel

The United States historical Health expenditure

Country covid-19 daily Covid cases per Date in China

Countries historical Hospital Beds in Africa

Kenya historical Death rate

Universities per Foundation year in West Bank and Gaza

Universities per Foundation year in Florida

Universities per Foundation year in Israel

Universities per Foundation year in Washington

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